Duke Energy Electric Vehicle Pilot – proposed
Duke Energy Energy Carolinas and Duke Energy Progress filed a $76 million EV pilot program before the North Carolina Utilities Commission that would significantly expand EV adoption and charging infrastructure in the state. The proposed pilot is open for comment. More information can be found in the filing.
Executive Order 80 – Zero Emission Vehicle Goal
Governor Cooper’s executive order calls for an increase in the state’s clean energy technologies. As part of the plan, the order states a goal for increasing adoption of zero emissions vehicles in NC to 80,000 by 2025. To support the governor’s state goals to expand electric vehicle adoption in NC, SEEA has provided grant support to the North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center (NCCETC) to develop an Electric Vehicle Roadmap. The NCCTC has completed five stakeholder meetings and one webinar to collect input on the plan. More information on the plan’s goals can be found in the ZEV Plan.