
Residential energy code field studies comprehensively evaluate new construction single and multi-family homes to assess their energy efficiency. The United States Department of Energy created the methodology for a field study. During a single visit, experts collect data on how well these homes meet their state’s energy code standards, focusing on key areas that impact energy consumption. Study results are completely anonymous, with no personal identifying information recorded (home addresses, code official names, or builder names). The primary goal is to identify opportunities for training, outreach, and resource development to drive improvements in energy savings and cost reductions for homeowners and communities. 

Data Collection RFPs


Residential Energy Code Field Study RFPs 

SEEA seeks data collection teams to partner on Single-Family Residential Energy Code Field Studies in Georgia and Louisiana. Interested teams are invited to respond to the Request for Proposal for each state individually by July 31, 2024. RFPs and related documents can be found here (GA, LA). 

These RFPs seek contractors capable of providing data collection services for new single-family residential construction across Georgia and Louisiana. 

To receive updates, please indicate your intent to bid by sending an email to [email protected]. Any inquiries regarding this RFP should be directed to [email protected]. Please note that SEEA staff will not respond to questions sent through other channels.

Bidders’ Conference call slides link

Bidders’ Conference recording link

FAQ about the LA and GA RFP link

For additional information about Energy Code Field Studies, please visit: https://www.energycodes.gov/residential-energy-code-field-studies

Budget template 

Current Field Studies

  • Georgia
  • Louisiana
  • South Carolina


The Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (SEEA) is leading a residential energy code field study in Georgia to enhance energy code compliance and prepare stakeholders for the upcoming code adoption process. This initiative, which includes both single and multi-family homes, seeks to identify opportunities to save energy, energy costs, and greenhouse gas emissions. The study explores relationships between energy equity, advanced building technologies, and code compliance. The project unfolds in two distinct phases. The first phase, engagement and research, involves creating inclusive study designs, collecting field data, and developing an energy equity analysis. The second phase focuses on data analysis and training, where findings from phase I are analyzed and translated into targeted training and technical assistance programs.  

Request for Proposals (RFPs) for data collection firms for this project will be available soon. Please revisit this page for future updates. This study is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-EE0010931 


The Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (SEEA) is conducting a residential field study in Louisiana, amid a historic transition to the 2021 IECC energy codes, effective July 1, 2023. Although the policy has already been enacted, additional support is needed to fully leverage their energy efficiency potential statewide. As part of a wider project engaging and supporting the Louisiana energy industry, SEEA and a team of project partners are leading a residential field study. The study explores relationships between energy equity, advanced building technologies, and code compliance. Insights gained from this study are fundamental to updating educational curricula and delivery strategies for education providers, ensuring that the benefits of energy efficiency are both understood and accessible statewide.  

Request for Proposals (RFPs) for data collection firms for this project will be made available soon. Please revisit this page for future updates. This study is being supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-EE0010931 

South Carolina

Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (SEEA) is spearheading a residential field study in South Carolina to establish and analyze the existing landscape of compliance and enforcement of energy codes in new construction single-family homes within the state. The initiative identified key items impacting equitable energy efficiency across South Carolina, alongside identifying opportunities to enhance energy efficiency and reduce energy costs. This analysis is a critical component in creating a pathway to advancing code advancement and compliance within the state. The project advances energy justice by identifying disadvantaged communities with the most pressing need for resources and investment in improving the building stock and building professional capabilities. This analysis may also support the state in its process to qualify and secure additional federal funding for building energy code-related work.  

Project partners include SEEA, SK Collaborative, and Built Environment LLC.  

The South Carolina field study is almost complete, and we expect to receive a comprehensive analysis by Summer 2024.  

View previous SEEA residential energy field code reports >>