In 2018, SEEA issued a request for proposals (RFP) seeking new opportunities to advance innovative energy efficiency strategies through a Southeast Energy Efficiency Fund, a pool of legacy funds from SEEA’s allocation under the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program. Out of 20 proposals, five were selected for funding based on their potential to deliver significant energy efficiency gains. SEEA invested over $500,000 in the following programs:


Building Energy Code
Training in Virginia

Project will support training for key stakeholders in the implementation of the Virginia Construction Code energy code provisions.

City of Birmingham, Alabama:

100 Homes,
100 Days

Project will support formal energy audit for 100 homes, track pre-repair, and post-repair energy consumption, and create an energy efficiency opportunity map for the City of Birmingham.

North Carolina Clean
Energy Technology Center:
NC Plug-In Electric
Vehicle Roadmap

Project will support an update to North Carolina’s 2013 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Roadmap to include the deployment of alternative fuel infrastructure, as well as strategies for the increased adoption of alternative fuel vehicles in government fleets.

Triangle J Council of Governments, North Carolina:
Unifying Processes for Housing Assistance

Project will focus on improving the implementation of weatherization assistance programs by coordinating public and private entities administering weatherization assistance programs to streamline accessibility and performance of available energy efficiency and conservation programs.