About SEEA’s Work in Energy Codes
SEEA’s energy codes program is a unique regional resource that serves as a “one-stop-shop” for information about code adoption, implementation and compliance efforts.
Beginning early in the energy codes adoption process, SEEA works closely with state energy offices, municipalities, industry groups, utilities and other key stakeholders to provide technical assistance; to ensure best practices are followed; and to foster increased coordination between involved parties. Following the adoption of new code standards, SEEA coordinates trainings and related compliance efforts for builders, code officials, architects and other affected parties. Over the past year, SEEA has held nearly 20 training workshops ranging from one-day energy code overviews to multi-day train-the-trainer programs. As an extension of these efforts, SEEA also provides technical assistance to states and localities that are assessing benchmarking and disclosure mandates, building energy rating and labeling, and other related policies